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Jeanette Yoffe books
Jeanette Yoffe Therapy services

Jeanette is the clinical director of a group Mental Health Practice which provides psychological and emotional support for anyone connected by Foster Care and Adoption. Therapy is a process of growth and self-discovery, and in client sessions, they elevate and provide a transformation in the mind and body, by utilizing best practices in mental health treatment today to encourage a positive outlook and adaptation of new attitudes and coping. All clinicians are adoption and foster care competent, trained and supervised by Jeanette. 

Jeanette Yoffe's desire to become a psychotherapist with a special focus on adoption and foster care derives from her own experience of being adopted and moving through the foster care system in New York City. Her personal knowledge has informed her education and provided insight into this unique lifelong experience. She is highly creative, whether it's creating YouTube videos on her Channel Jeanette-ically Speaking  or creating arts festivals and journeys to the primal wound. She believes creativity is the source of her greatest strength!

Jeanette Yoffe non-profit Los Angeles

Jeanette's started a non-profit organization named after her first mother, Celia. Find community support here. Supporting all members of the foster-adoption constellation those including families of origin, adoptees, foster youth, foster and adoptive parents, as well as professionals, by providing a safe space for emotional engagement via support groups, conferences, arts festivals, and trainings because the greatest predictor of resilience is connection!

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©2022 by Jeanette Yoffe 

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